We want all of our patients to know that if you need financial accommodations during this crisis until your economic and social situations stabilize and recover, we are very willing to work with you. WE DO NOT WANT YOU TO FEEL THAT YOU ARE UNABLE TO GET NEEDED MEDICAL CARE. Please speak with Danielle if you have any concerns, and we will work out an arrangement.
Dear patients,
We want to communicate with you regarding the current COVID-19 pandemic and the steps we are taking at Steiner Medical.
1. We have been (already for the past week) screening patients before arrival regarding potentially concerning symptoms (cough/fever) and risk factors (contact with ill people or travel).
2. Any patients with potentially concerning symptoms or risk factors who need to be seen and evaluated are entering through the back “sick door,” gloved and masked and brought to a dedicated sick room. In this way, the waiting room remains safe for other patients.
3. To optimize social distancing, we are having all patients wait in their vehicles until we are ready to room them. At present our waiting room is almost always empty, so you do not have to worry about passing by other patients and potential exposure.
4. We have instituted high level sanitation procedures and disinfection in the office due to this situation and feel confident that any chance of contagion is exceedingly low.
5. Even though we have instituted these measures, we would recommend that adult patients with certain risks postpone well visits on site. You can request that your chronic disease care or certain problem visits occur via telephone (telemedicine), particularly if you have questions and issues that you would like addressed in a timely manner. The availability and reimbursement of telephone visits is now covered by insurances and is a great help. These visits are billed just as if you were in the office. They involve an audio, and a visual aspect.
6. Patients at risk include:
a. Anyone with heart or lung disease, poorly controlled diabetes and generally
debilitating conditions.
b. Anyone over the age of 60
c. Anyone with cancer or immune compromising diseases
7. If you have any issues regarding the stresses that this situation has brought on, or the best way to proceed with issues like social distancing, work, etc, we are available to help by telemedicine. This is a very stressful - and confusing time – for everyone. But we can help you sort out many of these issues.
8. If you have questions about which of these options is best for you, please call the office. We can help you sort out what can be confusing choices.
Please be assured that all your health needs will be met in the most appropriate and socially conscious manner. Our office is open to receive your calls and after hours 24/7 coverage will continue as always.
Stay Safe and Healthy
All the providers and support staff at Steiner Medical and Therapeutic Center.

Caring for the whole human being. Integrating the best of mainstream and holistic medicine
Steiner Medical & Therapeutic Center
We want all of our patients to know that if you need financial accommodations during this crisis until your economic and social situations stabilize and recover, we are very willing to work with you.
Please speak with Danielle if you have any concerns, and we will work out an arrangement.